Caio FonsecaPietrasanta P09.32Gouache on paper23 x 30 inches,
Framed: 26 3/4 x 34 1/4 inchesSigned lower left middle: CAIO
Signed on verso: CAIO FONSECA/P09.32/Gouache on paper
Gary KomarinVessel Bogota #2, 2022Enamel on paper29 1/2 x 22 inches,
Framed: 38 1/8 x 30 1/2 inchesSigned: Komarin 21 lower and Komarin (verso)
Marked 2021 / "Vessel" (verso)
Norman BluhmFall, 1958Ink and watercolor on paper26 3/4 x 39 1/2 inches,
Framed: 35 x 48 inchesSigned: Bluhm 58 lower right
Caio FonsecaPietrasanta PO4.27, 2007Gouache on paper22 1/2 x 30 inches,
Framed: 26 3/4 x 34 1/4 inchesSigned: Caio lower right and again with date (verso)
Johann BerthelsenSunset RiverPastel on paper5 5/8 x 9 3/8 inches,
Framed: 14 x 17 inchesSigned: Johann Berthelsen lower left and again with title on verso
Carl HoltyParis, Hotel, 1930Ink on paper5 1/2 x 4 inches sight Framed: 17 1/2 x 16 1/2 inchesSigned: Holty Estate signature stamp (under mat)
Louis LegrandFemme à la CollerettePastel on paper25 1/4 x 17 3/4 inches,
Framed: 29 x 25 3/8 inchesSigned upper right: Louis Legrand
Jared Young ChongValley Moon, 1976Rice paper, dye and acrylic collage on board35 3/4 x 47 3/4 inches,
Framed: 37 1/2 x 49 3/4 inchesSigned: Jerry Chong / '76 lower right
Norman BluhmComposition, 1975Mixed media on paper laid down on canvas22 1/2 x 30 inches,
Framed: 31 1/4 x 38 3/4 inchesSigned: Bluhm 75 lower right
Samuel GrunvaldSkyline, East River, circa 1940Watercolor on paper7 1/2 x 9 3/8 inches,
Framed: 18 1/2 x 19 1/2 inchesSigned: S. Grunvald lower right
Sol LewittNine Pointed Stars, 1996Set of thirty-six embossments on handmade Twinrocker paperEach sheet: 8⅜ by 8½ inches,
Framed.: 58 1/2 x 58 1/2 inchesSigned: Lewitt 8/15 (on the verso of the 36th panel)
Albert WeinThe InletWatercolor9 x 12 inches
Framed: 18 5/8 x 22 1/2 inchesSigned: Wein lower left
John ZinsserAfter Andy Warhol, Flowers, 1964 (Yellow Version), 2011Oil crayon on paper17 x 14 inches 19 x 16 1/2 inches framedSigned and titled, verso
Mary McdonnellUntitled (blk2), 2009Ink on paper22 1/2 x 31 inches,
Framed: 26 x 34 1/2 inches
John ZinsserAfter Andy Warhol, Flowers, 1964 (Red Version), 2011Colored pencil on paper17 x 14 inchesSigned and titled, verso
Carl HoltyCollage #384, 1958Watercolor and collage on paper12 1/2 x 9 inches Framed: 19 1/2 x 16 1/2 inchesSigned: Carl Holty lower right
Reeve SchleyView of Cap à L’Aigle, 2009Watercolor on paper19 x 24 1/2 inches Framed: 28 1/4 x 34 inchesSigned: RSIII, 09 (l.r.)
Alice BaberThe Pink Flute of the Jaguar, (Sacred Space series), 1982Watercolor22 1/2 x 30 inches,
Framed: 31 x 38 inchesSigned: Alice Baber 82 lower left
Paul JenkinsPhenomena Michael's Diamond, 1975Watercolor on paper30 x 41 3/4 inches,
Framed: 40 1/2 x 51 3/4 inchesSigned: Paul Jenkins lower left and Paul Jenkins (verso)
Marked: "Phenomena Michael's Diamond / 1975 (verso)
Gustav KlimtBrustbild eines Maedchens im Profil nach links, circa 1898Graphite on paper16 1/2 x 12 1/2 inches,
Framed: 24 x 22 inchesSigned: G•K• lower right
Gary KomarinVessel Bogota #1, 2022Enamel on paper29 1/2 x 22 1/4 inches,
Framed: 38 x 30 1/2 inchesSigned: Komarin 22 lower and Komarin (verso)
Marked: Vessel / 2022 (verso)
Wolf KahnFall Valley, 2004Pastel on paper19 3/4 x 25,
Framed: 29 3/4 x 34 5/8 inchesSigned: W. Kahn lower right
Milton AveryThree Sheep in a Meadow, 1963Watercolor on paper22 1/2 x 35 inches
Framed: 31 1/8 x 43 1/8 inchesSigned: Milton Avery 1963 lower right
Carl HoltyColor Study #227Watercolor on paperSight size: 6 1/4 x 5 1/2 inches,
Framed: 14 1/2 x 13 1/2 inchesSigned: Holty lower right
Cleve GrayTransition Series: Gray, Black, 1979Mixed media on paper22 x 30 inches,
Framed: 32 1/2 x 40 1/2 inchesSigned on verso
Robert MotherwellCabaret #4, 1974Collage with German sheet music, torn paper, pencil and acrylic22 x 10 1/2 inches,
Framed: 30 1/2 x 19 inchesSigned: RM 74 lower right
Marked: "CABARET #4" 1974 / Collage / 22" x 10 1/4 " (verso)
Carl HoltyMosaic #1002, 1950Ink on paper mounted on Masonite17 1/4 x 22 3/4 inches,
Framed: 21 x 26 1/2 inchesSigned: C R Holty lower right, Marked: Carl Holty 1950 / 1002 (verso)
Elihu VedderGroup of AngelsCharcoal on paper9 x 8 1/4 inches,
Framed: 15 x 14 inchesnot signed, Estate of Elihu Vedder
Albert WeinMonhegan PathWatercolor9 x 12 inches
Framed: 20 3/8 x 23 1/2 inchesSigned: Wein lower left
Carl HoltyInk Study V B Sketchbook #4, c. 1935Ink and graphite on paper6 3/4 x 4 1/4 inches Framed: 16 1/2 x 14 1/2 inchesSigned: Holty Estate Signature stamp lower right
Martha WalterArchway, North Africa, Circa 1930Watercolor on paper9 x 7 inches,
Framed: 17 1/2 x 15 1/2 inchesSigned lower right
Will BarnetStudy for Old Man’s Afternoon, 1978Watercolor and pencil on paper11 x 19 inches (sight),
Framed: 24 x 32 inchesSigned: Will Barnet 78 lower right
Carl HoltyInk Study IIII B, Sketchbook #4, c. 1935Ink and graphite on paper6 1/2 x 4 1/2 inches sight,
Framed: 16 1/2 x 14 1/2 inchesSigned: Holty Estate signature stamp lower right
Jasmina DanowskiGiant Baby Bounce Me on Your Knee III, 2006Mixed media on paper60 x 60 inches
Framed: 63 x 62 inches
Gary KomarinVessel Bogota #3, 2022Enamel on paper29 5/8 x 22 inches,
Framed: 38 x 30 1/2 inchesSigned: Komarin 22 along bottom edge
Marked: Komarin / "Vessel" / 2022 (verso)
Jasmina DanowskiCabin Fever V, 2013Ink and gesso on paper60 x 40 inches
Framed: 63 x 43 1/2 inchesSigned: Jasmina Danowski (verso)
Cleve GrayGesture: Blue, 1984Mixed media on paper22 x 30 inches,
Framed; 33 x 40 1/2 inchesSigned: Gray ‘84 lower right
Paul-César HelleuNu EndormiRed conte crayon,black and white chalk17 3/4 x 27 inches Framed: 29 x 39 inchesSigned: Helleu lower right
Carl HoltyInk Study VI A Sketchbook #4, c. 1935Ink and graphite on paper6 1/2 x 4 1/4 inches
Framed: 16 1/2 x 14 1/2 inchesSigned: Holty Estate signature stamp lower right
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