Framed : 73 1/4 x 57 1/4 inches
"Damian's work testifies to an ardent desire to spiritualise the act of painting. It does not let itself go or provoke."
—Pierre Restany, Cimaise, 1960
Horia Damian was an important contemporary Romanian painter and sculptor. His geometry is not rigid but is rather sensitive and painterly. Damian felt he was most successful and at his peak when the color he employed was in its glory and was balanced with the geometry. He also had a lifelong interest in the universe and its mysteries. The subtle use of circles, squares, and spheres appeared in his later works as well as in his sculptures especially in The Hill, exhibited at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in 1976. The beauty of these abstractions is their ability to suggest so much.
Christies, Paris 2015